Sign Up for E-PAC (registration)


Trans AM is pleased to offer the unique service of providing PACKING LISTS and CERTIFICATES (MTR's) over the Internet. To start receiving yours, simply complete the form below and SUBMIT it. Please note that the documents can be sent to multiple e-mail addresses.


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note:E-PAC attachments are sent as TIFF (Tag Image File Format) or PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) document types. The first document is the packing list. The name for it comes from the sales order # and backorder # (i.e. 09768900.TIF or 09768900.PDF). The Certificates (Mtr's) name comes from item # (middle 4 characters) and heat # sequence (last 2 characters) (i.e. for the second heat # for the 3rd item would be named It000302.TIF or It000302.PDF).